Graphic Design/Logos Motion Graphics Web Design Illustration Contact

Graphic Design/Logos

Graphic design is a profession, academic discipline
and applied art whose activity consists in projecting
visual communications intended to transmit specific messages
to social groups, with specific objectives. Graphic design is an
interdisciplinary branch of design and of the fine arts.
Its practice involves creativity, innovation and lateral
thinking using manual or digital tools,
where it is usual to use text and graphics to communicate visually.

Logo design is an important area of graphic design,
and one of the most difficult to perfect.
The logo (ideogram) is the image embodying an organization.
Because logos are meant to represent companies' brands or
corporate identities and foster their immediate customer recognition,
it is counterproductive to frequently redesign logos.

Below are some designs I have created.
I hope they inspire you to use me in your next design project.

Contact me for a free quote, any questions and more info.



















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